#!/usr/bin/env tclsh #md5sum="0aee3cff613e146f9cdda76bf4ccc658" # # * Copyright (c) 2015 by Cisco Systems, Inc. # * All rights reserved. # # The above is the (embedded) md5sum of this file taken without this line, # can be # created this way: #f=poap_script.tcl; cat $f | sed '/^#md5sum/d' > $f.md5 ; sed -i "s/^#md5sum=.*/#md5sum=\"$(md5sum $f.md5 | sed 's/ .*//')\"/" $f # This way this script's integrity can be checked in case you do not trust # tftp's ip checksum. This integrity check is done by /isan/bin/poap.bin). # The integrity of the files downloaded later (images, config) is checked # by downloading the corresponding file with the .md5 extension and is # done by this script itself. # **** Here are all variables that parametrize this script **** # ************************************************************* #REPLACE image versions or directly modify the image src below set n3k_image_version "5.0.3.U5.1a.133" set n5k_image_version "6.0.2.N3.0.265" set n6k_image_version "6.0.2.N3.0.250" set n7k_image_version "6.1.4" # REPLACE below system/kickstart image source to the images you want POAP to download set n3k_system_image_src [format "n3000-uk9.%s.bin" $n3k_image_version] set n3k_kickstart_image_src [format "n3000-uk9-kickstart.%s.bin" $n3k_image_version] set n5k_system_image_src [format "n5000-uk9.%s.bin" $n5k_image_version] set n5k_kickstart_image_src [format "n5000-uk9-kickstart.%s.bin" $n5k_image_version] set n7k_system_image_src [format "n7000-s1-dk9.%s.bin" $n7k_image_version] set n7k_kickstart_image_src [format "n7000-s1-kickstart.%s.bin" $n7k_image_version] set n6k_system_image_src [format "n6000-uk9.%s.bin" $n6k_image_version] set n6k_kickstart_image_src [format "n6000-uk9-kickstart.%s.bin" $n6k_image_version] set titanium_system_image_src "titanium-54.s" set titanium_kickstart_image_src "titanium-54.k" # REPLACE below line with the dir info on TFTP server set image_dir_src "/vinci-tftpboot/" set config_path "/vinci-tftpboot/hybrid/" # REPLACE below line with config filename set config_file_src "poap.cfg" # Destination file names the below files will be stored as on the device set image_dir_dst "bootflash:poap" set system_image_dst "bootflash:system.img" set kickstart_image_dst "bootflash:kickstart.img" set config_db_file_dst "bootflash:poap_database_dst.cfg" set config_file_dst "bootflash:poap_dst.cfg" set config_file_dst_tmp "bootflash:poap_dst1.cfg" # Destination file name for those lines in config which need reboot # example: system vlan or interface breakout or hardware profile tcam set config_file_dst_first "bootflash:poap_1.cfg" # Desination file name for those lines in config which does not match above criterea. set config_file_dst_second "bootflash:poap_2.cfg" # indicates whether first config file is empty or not set emptyFirstFile 1 # indicates whether the files have been copied or not set FoundTemplate 0 set config_copied 0 set system_image_copied 0 set kickstart_image_copied 0 set template_config_copied 0 set database_copied 0 # indicates whether the final config generated is available or not set generatedConfig 0 # extension of file containing md5sum of the one without ext. set md5sum_ext_src "md5" # there is no md5sum_ext_dst because one the target it is a temp file # Required space on /bootflash (for config and kick/system images) set required_space 250000 # Protocol to use to download images/config # Supported protocols are scp/sftp/ftp/tftp set protocol "scp" # Host name and user credentials # REPLACE below 3 lines with your TFTP server info set username "root" set password "cisco123" set hostname "" # Timeout info (from biggest to smallest image, should be f(image-size, protocol)) set system_timeout 2100 set kickstart_timeout 900 set config_timeout 120 set md5sum_timeout 120 # POAP can use 6 modes to obtain the config file. # - 'static' - filename is static # - 'serial_number' - switch serial number is part of the filename # if serial-number is abc, then filename is conf_abc.cfg # - 'location' - CDP neighbor of interface on which DHCPDISCOVER arrived # is part of filename # if cdp neighbor's device_id=abc and port_id=111, # then filename is conf_abc_111.cfg # - 'mac' - use the interface (mgmt 0 interface / Single MAC address for all the # front-panel interface) MAC address to derive the configuration filename # (Example: for MAC Address 00:11:22:AA:BB:CC" the default configuration # file looked for would be conf_001122AABBCC.cfg # - 'hostname' - Use the hostname from the DHCP OFFER to derive the configuration # file name (Example: conf_N5K-Switch-1.cfg for hostname 'N5K-Switch-1' # - 'database' - config file is obtained from a database # Note: the next line can be overwritten by command-line arg processing later set config_file_type "serial_number" # parameters passed through environment: set pid "" if { [info exists env(POAP_PID)] && ![string equal $env(POAP_PID) ""] } { set pid $env(POAP_PID) } set serial_number "" if { [info exists env(POAP_SERIAL)] && ![string equal $env(POAP_SERIAL) ""] } { set serial_number $env(POAP_SERIAL) } set cdp_interface "" if { [info exists env(POAP_INTF)] && ![string equal $env(POAP_INTF) ""] } { set cdp_interface $env(POAP_INTF) } # vrf info set vrf "management" if { [info exists env(POAP_VRF)] && ![string equal $env(POAP_VRF) ""] } { set vrf $env(POAP_VRF) } # POAP phase info (USB or DHCP) set poap_phase "" if { [info exists env(POAP_PHASE)] && ![string equal $env(POAP_PHASE) ""] } { set poap_phase $env(POAP_PHASE) } # will append date/timespace into the name later set log_filename "/bootflash/poap.log" set now "" # **** end of parameters **** # ************************************************************* # ***** argv parsing and online help (for test through cli) ****** # **************************************************************** # poap.bin passes args (serial-number/cdp-interface) through env var # for no seeminly good reason: we allow to overwrite those by passing # argv, this is usufull when testing the script from vsh (even simple # script have many cases to test, going through a reboto takes too long) # Command Line version of cdp-interface set cl_cdp_interface "" # can overwrite the corresp. env var set cl_serial_number "" proc parse_args {argv_list {help ""} } { global cl_cdp_interface cl_serial_number foreach { a b } $argv_list { if {[string compare -length [string length $a] $a "cdp-interface"] == 0} { catch { set cl_cdp_interface $b } error if {$error != ""} { if { $help !="" } { set cl_cdp_interface -1 } } if {[string length $a]!=[string length "cdp-interface"] && $help!=""} { set cl_cdp_interface "" } continue } if {[string compare -length [string length $a] $a "serial-number"] == 0} { catch { set cl_serial_number $b } error if {$error!=""} { if { $help !="" } { set cl_serial_number -1 } } if {[string length $a]!=[string length "serial-number"] && $help!=""} { set cl_serial_number "" } continue } puts "Syntax Error|invalid token:" puts $a exit -1 } } ########### display online help (if asked for) ################# if { $argc > 0 } { set m [regexp -all "__cli_script.*help" [lindex $argv 0]] if { $m>0 } { # first level help: display script description if { [lindex $argv 0] == "__cli_script_help" } { puts "loads system/kickstart images and config file for POAP\n" exit 0 } # argument help set argv_new [lreplace $argv 0 0] # dont count last arg if it was partial help (no-space-question-mark) if { [lindex $argv 0] == "__cli_script_args_help_partial" } { set argv_new [lreplace $argv_new [expr [llength $argv_new]-1] [expr [llength $argv_new]-1]] } parse_args $argv_new "help" if {$cl_serial_number== -1} { puts "WORD|Enter the serial number" exit 0 } if { $cl_cdp_interface==-1 } { puts "WORD|Enter the CDP interface instance" exit 0 } if { $cl_serial_number!="" } { puts "serial-number|The serial number to use for the config filename" } if { $cl_cdp_interface!="" } { puts "cdp-interface|The CDP interface to use for the config filename" } puts "|Run it (use static name for config file)" # we are done exit 0 } } # *** now overwrite env vars with command line vars (if any given) parse_args $argv if { $cl_serial_number != ""} { set serial_number $cl_serial_number set config_file_type "serial_number" } if {$cl_cdp_interface != ""} { set cdp_interface $cl_cdp_interface set config_file_type "location" } # figure out what kind of box we have (to download the correct images) set ver [cli {show version | grep "cisco "}] if [regexp (Nexus7.*) $ver] { set box "n7k" if [regexp ".*Unknown Module.*" $ver] { set box "titanium" } } elseif [regexp (Nexus3.*) $ver] { set box "n3k" } elseif {[regexp (Nexus.56.*) $ver] || [regexp (Nexus56.*) $ver] || [regexp (Nexus.6.*) $ver] || [regexp (Nexus6.*) $ver] || [regexp (Nexus.24Q.*) $ver] || [regexp (Nexus24Q.*) $ver] || [regexp (Nexus.48Q.*) $ver] || [regexp (Nexus48Q.*) $ver]} { set box "n6k" } elseif {[regexp (Nexus.5.*) $ver] || [regexp (Nexus5.*) $ver]} { set box "n5k" if [regexp ".*Unknown Module.*" $ver] { set box "titanium" } } else { set box "unknown" } # Get final image name based on actual box # The variable box is the box platform, like n7k, n6k, titanium. # This is to generate the kickstart or system image src variable names defined # in the beginning of the file, e.g., n3k_system_image_src # For different sup, e.g., sup1, sup2, assign the correct image name to image # src variable puts [format "Box is %s" $box] if {$box == "unknown"} { exit -1 } set system_image [format "%s_system_image_src" $box] set system_image_src [set $system_image] set kickstart_image [format "%s_kickstart_image_src" $box] set kickstart_image_src [set $kickstart_image] # images are copied to temporary location first (dont want to # overwrite good images with bad ones). set system_image_dst_tmp "bootflash:system.img.new" set kickstart_image_dst_tmp "bootflash:kickstart.img.new" # setup log file and associated utils if {$now == ""} { set t [clock seconds] set now [clock format $t -format %m_%d_%H_%M] } catch { if {$poap_phase == "USB"} { set log_filename [format "%s_usb.%s" $log_filename $now] } else { set log_filename [format "%s.%s" $log_filename $now] } } error if {$error!=""} { #puts $error } set poap_log_file [open $log_filename "w+"] puts $poap_log_file "POAP log file opened.\n" proc poap_log {info} { global poap_log_file puts $poap_log_file $info puts $info } proc poap_log_close {} { global poap_log_file close $poap_log_file } proc abort_cleanup_exit {} { poap_log "INFO: cleaning up" cleanup_files poap_log_close exit -1 } # some argument sanity checks: if {$config_file_type == "serial_number" && $serial_number==""} { poap_log "ERR: serial-number required (to derive config name) but none give" exit -1 } if {$config_file_type == "location" && $cdp_interface == ""} { poap_log "ERR: interface required (to derive config name) but none given" exit -1 } # setup the cli session cli "no terminal color" cli "terminal dont-ask" cli [format "terminal password %s" $password] # Convert the CLI path to a unix path proc to_unix_path { path } { regsub -all ":" $path "/" path return [format "/%s" $path] } set image_dir_dst_u [to_unix_path $image_dir_dst] if {[file exists $image_dir_dst_u] != 1} { # If it doesn't exist create the directory file mkdir $image_dir_dst_u } # utility functions proc run_cli { cmd } { poap_log [format "CLI : %s" $cmd] set output [cli $cmd] return $output } proc rm_rf { filename } { catch { if {file exists $filename } { run_cli [format "delete %s" $filename] } } } # signal handling proc sig_handler_no_exit {signum frame} { poap_log "INFO: SIGTERM Handler while configuring boot variables" } proc sigterm_handler {signum frame} { poap_log "INFO: SIGTERM Handler" abort_cleanup_exit exit -1 } #signal trap sigterm_handler SIGTERM # transfers file, return True on success; on error exits unless 'fatal' is False in which case we return False proc doCopy {{protocol ""} {host ""} {source ""} {dest ""} {vrf "management"} {login_timeout 10} {username ""} {password ""} {phase ""} {fatal ""}} { rm_rf $dest if {$phase == "USB"} { poap_log [format "INFO: Copying %s from USB" $source] set cmd [format "copy %s %s" $source $dest] } else { set cmd [format "copy %s://%s@%s%s %s vrf %s" $protocol $username $host $source $dest $vrf] } catch { run_cli $cmd } error if {[file exists [to_unix_path $dest]]==0} { poap_log [format "WARN: Copy Failed: %s" $error] if { $fatal==true } { poap_log "ERR : aborting" abort_cleanup_exit exit -1 } return false } return true } proc ini2dict { filepath {separator =}} { if {$filepath ==""} { return "" } if {![file exists $filepath] || [catch { set fh [open $filepath r] } ] } { return "" } while {![chan eof $fh]} { gets $fh line if { [string length $line] < 2 } { continue } if { [regexp {^[[:blank:]]*\[{1}.*\]{1}} $line sect] } { set sect [string range $sect 1 end-1] continue } set seppoint [string first $separator $line] if { [string length $sect] && $seppoint > 1 } { set key [string range $line 0 [expr { $seppoint - 1 }]] set value [string range $line [expr { $seppoint + 1}] end ] dict set dic $sect $key $value } } close $fh return $dic } proc get_md5sum_src { file_name } { global protocol hostname md5_file_name_sr md5_file_name_dst vrf md5sum_timeout username password md5sum_ext_src poap_phase set md5_file_name_src [format "%s.%s" $file_name $md5sum_ext_src] set l [split $md5_file_name_src "/"] set md5_file_name_dst [format "volatile:%s.poap_md5" [lindex $l end]] rm_rf $md5_file_name_dst set ret [doCopy $protocol $hostname $md5_file_name_src $md5_file_name_dst $vrf $md5sum_timeout $username $password $poap_phase false] if {$ret == true} { set sum [run_cli [format "show file %s | grep -v '^#' | head lines 1" $md5_file_name_dst]] set sum [string range $sum 7 end-1] poap_log [format "INFO: md5sum %s (.md5 file)" $sum] rm_rf $md5_file_name_dst return $sum } poap_log "INFO: No md5sum (.md5 file)" return "" } proc get_md5sum_dst { filename } { set sum [run_cli [format "show file %s md5sum" $filename]] set sum [string range $sum 0 end-1] poap_log [format "INFO: md5sum %s (recalculated)" $sum] return $sum } proc check_md5sum {filename_src filename_dst lname} { set md5sum_src [get_md5sum_src $filename_src] # we found a .md5 file on the server if { $md5sum_src!=""} { set md5sum_dst [get_md5sum_dst $filename_dst] if {$md5sum_dst != $md5sum_src} { poap_log [format "INFO: md5sum src: %s" $md5sum_src] poap_log [format "INFO: md5sum dst: %s" $md5sum_dst] poap_log [format "ERR : MD5 verification failed for %s! (%s)" $lname $filename_dst] abort_cleanup_exit } } } # Procedure to split config file using global information proc splitConfigFile {} { global config_file_dst config_file_dst_first config_file_dst_second emptyFirstFile poap_script_log_handler set configFile [open [to_unix_path $config_file_dst] r] set configFile_first [open [to_unix_path $config_file_dst_first] w] set configFile_second [open [to_unix_path $config_file_dst_second] w] while {[gets $configFile line] >= 0} { if [expr {[string match "system vlan*" $line] || [string match "interface breakout*" $line] || [string match "hardware profile tcam*" $line] || [string match "*type fc" $line] || [string match "fabric-mode 40G" $line] || [string match "fabric-mode 10G" $line]}] { puts $configFile_first $line if {$emptyFirstFile == 1} { set emptyFirstFile 0 } } else { puts $configFile_second $line } } close $configFile file delete [to_unix_path $config_file_dst] set config_copied 0 close $configFile_first if {$emptyFirstFile == 1} { file delete [to_unix_path $config_file_dst_first] } close $configFile_second } # Will run our CLI command to test MD5 checksum and if images are valid # This check is also performed while setting the boot variables, but this is an # additional check proc get_version {msg} { set lines [split $msg "\n"] set ret {} foreach { line } $lines { set index [string first "MD5" $line] if { $index!=-1 } { lappend ret [lindex $line end] } set index [string first "kickstart:" $line] if {$index!=-1} { set index [string first "version" $line] lappend ret [string range $line $index end] return $ret } set index [string first "system:" $line] if {$index!=-1} { set index [string first "version" $line] lappend ret [string range $line $index end] return $ret } } } # Procedure to clean up the temporary file proc cleanup_files { } { global config_file_dst config_db_file_dst config_file_dst_tmp system_image_dst kickstart_image_dst database_copied config_copied template_config_copied system_image_copied kickstart_image_copied generatedConfig emptyFirstFile config_file_dst_first config_file_dst_second poap_log "INFO: FINISH: Clean up files." if {$config_copied == 1} { run_cli [format "delete %s no" $config_file_dst] } if {$database_copied == 1} { run_cli [format "delete %s no" $config_db_file_dst] } if {$template_config_copied == 1} { run_cli [format "delete %s no" $config_file_dst_tmp] } if {$generatedConfig == 1} { run_cli [format "delete %s no" $config_file_dst_second] if {$emptyFirstFile == 0} { run_cli [format "delete %s no" $config_file_dst_first] } } if {$kickstart_image_copied == 1} { run_cli [format "delete %s no" $kickstart_image_dst] } if {$system_image_copied == 1} { run_cli [format "delete %s no" $system_image_dst] } } proc verify_images {} { global kickstart_image_dst system_image_dst set kick_cmd [format "show version image %s" $kickstart_image_dst] set sys_cmd [format "show version image %s" $system_image_dst] set kick_msg [run_cli $kick_cmd] set sys_msg [run_cli $sys_cmd] set kick_v [get_version $kick_msg] set sys_v [get_version $sys_msg] if {[lindex $kick_v 0] =="Passed" && [lindex $sys_v 0]=="Passed"} { # MD5 verification passed if {[lindex $kick_v 1]!=[lindex $sys_v 1]} { poap_log [format "ERR : Image version mismatch. (kickstart : %s) (system : %s)" [lindex $kick_v 1] [lindex $sys_v 1]] abort_cleanup_exit } } else { # HACK till "show version image" CLI is fixed. #poap_log "ERR : MD5 verification failed!" #poap_log [format "%s\n%s" $kick_msg $sys_msg] #abort_cleanup_exit } #poap_log [format "INFO: Verification passed. (kickstart : %s) (system : %s)" [lindex $sys_v 1] [lindex $sys_v 1]] return true } # get config file from server proc get_config {} { global protocol hostname config_file_src config_file_dst vrf config_timeout username password config_path config_copied generatedConfig poap_phase poap_log "INFO: Fetch Configuration File:" if {$poap_phase == "USB"} { set config_file_src [format "usb1:%s" $config_file_src] } else { set config_file_src [format "%s%s" $config_path $config_file_src] } poap_log [format "INFO: Copying %s " $config_file_src] set ret [doCopy $protocol $hostname $config_file_src $config_file_dst $vrf $config_timeout $username $password $poap_phase true] if {$ret == false} { poap_log "ERR: Unable to Copy Configuration File" } else { poap_log "INFO: Completed Copy of Configuration File" set config_copied 1 } # get file's md5 from server (if any) and verify it, failure is fatal (exit) poap_log "INFO: Check md5 of Configuration File" check_md5sum $config_file_src $config_file_dst "config file" poap_log "INFO: Split Config invoked ..." splitConfigFile set generatedConfig 1 } # get system image file from server proc get_system_image {} { global protocol hostname system_image_src system_image_dst_tmp system_image_dst vrf system_timeout username password image_dir_src system_image_copied poap_phase poap_log "INFO: Starting Copy of System Image" if {$poap_phase == "USB"} { set system_image_src [format "usb1:%s" $system_image_src] } else { set system_image_src [format "%s%s" $image_dir_src $system_image_src] } poap_log [format "INFO: Copying %s " $system_image_src] set ret [doCopy $protocol $hostname $system_image_src $system_image_dst_tmp $vrf $system_timeout $username $password $poap_phase true] if {$ret == false} { poap_log "ERR: Unable to Copy System Image" } else { poap_log "INFO: Copy of System Image Successful" } # get file's md5 from server (if any) and verify it poap_log "INFO: Check md5 of System Image" check_md5sum $system_image_src $system_image_dst_tmp "system image" #Now that system image has been copied successfully #delete old system image and move tmp image to system image set tmp [to_unix_path $system_image_dst_tmp] if {[file exists [to_unix_path $system_image_dst]]} { poap_log "INFO: Deleting old version of $system_image_dst" file delete [to_unix_path $system_image_dst] } poap_log [format "INFO: Copy %s to %s" $system_image_dst_tmp $system_image_dst] run_cli "copy $system_image_dst_tmp $system_image_dst" file delete $tmp set system_image_copied 1 } # get kickstart image file from server proc get_kickstart_image {} { global protocol hostname kickstart_image_src kickstart_image_dst_tmp kickstart_image_dst vrf kickstart_timeout username password image_dir_src kickstart_image_copied poap_phase poap_log "INFO: Starting Copy of Kickstart Image" if {$poap_phase == "USB"} { set kickstart_image_src [format "usb1:%s" $kickstart_image_src] } else { set kickstart_image_src [format "%s%s" $image_dir_src $kickstart_image_src] } set ret [ doCopy $protocol $hostname $kickstart_image_src $kickstart_image_dst_tmp $vrf $kickstart_timeout $username $password $poap_phase true] if {$ret == false } { poap_log "ERR: Unable to Copy Kickstart Image" abort_cleanup_exit } else { poap_log "INFO: Copy of Kickstart Image Successful" } # get file's md5 from server (if any) and verify it, failure is fatal (exit) poap_log "INFO: Check MD5 of Kickstart Image" check_md5sum $kickstart_image_src $kickstart_image_dst_tmp "kickstart image" #Now that kickstart image has been copied successfully #delete old kickstart image and move tmp image to kickstart image set tmp [to_unix_path $kickstart_image_dst_tmp] if {[file exists [to_unix_path $kickstart_image_dst]]} { poap_log "INFO: Deleting old version of $kickstart_image_dst" file delete [to_unix_path $kickstart_image_dst] } poap_log [format "INFO: Copy %s to %s" $kickstart_image_dst_tmp $kickstart_image_dst] run_cli "copy $kickstart_image_dst_tmp $kickstart_image_dst" file delete $tmp set kickstart_image_copied 1 } proc wait_box_online {} { while {1} { set r [run_cli "show system internal ascii-cfg event-history | grep BOX_ONLINE"] # TBD: Fix this if {[lsearch $r "SUCCESS"] == -1} { poap_log "success" break } after 5000 poap_log "INFO: Waiting for box online..." } } # install (make persistent) images and config proc install_it {} { global kickstart_image_dst system_image_dst config_file_dst config_file_dst_first config_file_dst_second emptyFirstFile box kickstart_image_copied system_image_copied set timeout -1 wait_box_online poap_log "INFO: Setting the boot variables" set r1 [run_cli [format "config terminal ; boot kickstart %s" $kickstart_image_dst]] set r2 [run_cli [format "config terminal ; boot system %s" $system_image_dst]] set x 1 while {$x} { set r3 [run_cli "copy running-config startup-config"] poap_log "## $r3" if {[lsearch $r3 "aborted:"] != -1} { poap_log "INFO: Wait 10 sec and retry" after 10000 } elseif {[lsearch $r3 "complete,"] != -1 || [lsearch $r3 "complete."] != -1} { poap_log "success copy running-config to startup-config" set x 0 } else { poap_log "command failed. Abort POAP." abort_cleanup_exit } } if {$emptyFirstFile == 0} { set r4 [run_cli [format "copy %s scheduled-config" $config_file_dst_first]] if { $box == "titanium"} { if {[lsearch $r4 "complete."]==-1} { poap_log "ERR: copy 1st config to scheduled config Failed!" abort_cleanup_exit } } else { if {[lsearch $r4 "complete,"]==-1} { poap_log "ERR: copy 1st config to scheduled config Failed!" abort_cleanup_exit } } poap_log "### Copying the first scheduled cfg done ###" } set r5 [run_cli [format "copy %s scheduled-config" $config_file_dst_second]] if { $box == "titanium"} { if {[lsearch $r1 "Failed"]!=-1 || [lsearch $r2 "Failed"]!=-1 || [lsearch $r3 "complete."]==-1 || [lsearch $r5 "complete."]==-1} { poap_log "ERR : setting bootvars or copy run start failed!" abort_cleanup_exit } } else { if {[lsearch $r1 "Failed"]!=-1 || [lsearch $r2 "Failed"]!=-1 || [lsearch $r3 "complete,"]==-1 || [lsearch $r5 "complete,"]==-1} { poap_log "ERR : setting bootvars or copy run start failed!" abort_cleanup_exit } } poap_log "INFO: Configuration successful" # If we are at this stage,it means that there is no error. We dont want to # delete the system/kickstart images that were downloaded set kickstart_image_copied 0 set system_image_copied 0 } # Verify if free space is available to download config, kickstart and system images proc verify_freespace {} { global required_space poap_log "INFO: Verifying Free Space:" set freespace [run_cli "dir bootflash: | last 3 | grep free | tr -d -c 0-9"] set freespace [expr $freespace / 1024] poap_log [format "INFO: free space is %s kB" $freespace] if {$required_space > $freespace} { poap_log "ERR : Not enough space to copy the config, kickstart image and system image, aborting!" abort_cleanup_exit } } # figure out config filename to download based on serial-number proc set_config_file_src_serial_number {} { global config_file_src serial_number set config_file_src [format "conf_%s.cfg" $serial_number] poap_log [format "INFO: Selected config filename (serial-nb) : %s" $config_file_src] } # figure out config filename to download based on cdp neighbor info # sample output: # switch# show cdp neig # Capability Codes: R - Router, T - Trans-Bridge, B - Source-Route-Bridge # S - Switch, H - Host, I - IGMP, r - Repeater, # V - VoIP-Phone, D - Remotely-Managed-Device, # s - Supports-STP-Dispute, M - Two-port Mac Relay # # Device ID Local Intrfce Hldtme Capability Platform Port ID # Switch mgmt0 148 S I WS-C2960G-24T Gig0/2 # switch(Nexus-Switch) Eth1/1 150 R S I s Nexus-Switch Eth2/1 # switch(Nexus-Switch) Eth1/2 150 R S I s Nexus-Switch Eth2/2 # in xml: # # 83886080 # Switch # mgmt0 # 137 # switch # IGMP_cnd_filtering # cisco WS-C2960G-24TC-L # GigabitEthernet0/4 # ###@@@ This needs to be worked on and checked @@@### proc set_config_file_src_location {} { global cdp_interface config_file_src set cmd [format "show cdp neighbors interface %s" $cdp_interface] poap_log [format "CLI: %s" $cmd] set r [ run_cli $cmd] if { [lsearch $r "Capability"]==-1 } { poap_log $r poap_log [format "ERR: canot get neighbor info on %s" $cdp_interface] exit -1 } set l [lindex [split $r "\n"] 7] set switchName [lindex $l 0] set intfName [lindex $l end] if { $switchName=="" || $intfName=="" } { poap_log [format "ERR: unexpected 'show cdp neigbhor' output: %s" $r] exit -1 } set neighbor [format "%s_%s" $switchName $intfName] regsub -all "/" $neighbor "_" neighbor set config_file_src [format "conf_%s.cfg" $neighbor] poap_log [format "INFO: Selected config filename (cdp-neighbor) : %s" $config_file_src] } # Procedure to set config_file based on switch interface MAC proc set_config_file_src_mac {} { global config_file_src poap_script_log_handler env if [info exists env(POAP_MAC)] { poap_log "INFO: Interface MAC: $env(POAP_MAC)" set config_file_src [format "conf_%s.cfg" $env(POAP_MAC)] } else { poap_log "WARN: MAC info Missing, falling back to static mode" } poap_log "INFO: Selected conf file name : $config_file_src" } proc set_config_file_src_hostname {} { global config_file_src poap_script_log_handler env if [info exists env(POAP_HOST_NAME)] { poap_log "INFO: Using Host Name: $env(POAP_HOST_NAME)" set config_file_src [format "conf_%s.cfg" $env(POAP_HOST_NAME)] } else { poap_log "WARN: Host Name Missing, falling back to static mode" } poap_log "INFO: Selected conf file name : $config_file_src" } # set complete name of config_file_src based on serial-number/interface (add extension) if {$config_file_type == "location"} { #set source config file based on location set_config_file_src_location } elseif {$config_file_type == "serial_number"} { #set source config file based on switch's serial number set_config_file_src_serial_number } elseif {$config_file_type == "hostname"} { set_config_file_src_hostname } elseif {$config_file_type == "mac"} { set_config_file_src_mac } else { poap_log "Error: Enter the valid config file type" } # Execute the commands verify_freespace get_config get_kickstart_image get_system_image verify_images # Don't let people abort the final stage that concretize everything install_it cleanup_files poap_log_close exit 0