Firmware Versions 8.2 for Cisco IP Phone Models 7940G and 7960G

The 8.2 firmware image within the installation program is named P0S3-08-2-00, and supports the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) for the following Cisco IP Phone models:

This firmware version is supported on Cisco Unified Call Manager Release 5.0 and higher.

Release Notes

For a list of Resolved Problems and Known Problems with this firmware version, you can obtain the Firmware Release Notes in English by clicking the following URL:

Image Authentication Support

Cisco provides image authentication with its various IP phone protocols.  Image authentication allows the phone to detect if the image has been tampered with before it is programmed into the phone. If the image fails the authentication process then the phone will reject the image.  Image authentication occurs through signed files.  All Cisco 7940G and 7960G IP Phone loads are signed and can only be upgraded or downgraded to other signed releases.

The P0S3-08-2-00 firmware uses signed (authenticated) files. This step improves IP phone security on the Cisco IP Phone model 7940G and 7960G.

Installing the Firmware Load

Note: For the Cisco IP phones 7940 and 7960, you should not add the extension of .sbn or .bin to the firmware version name in the Cisco Call Manager database.

Note: You must install Cisco Unified Call Manager version 5.0 or higher to utilize the 8.2 SIP firmware image.


The 8.1 firmware release has been made available on Cisco Unified Call Manager installation CDs; however, it will not be made available on due to additional bugs filed during final testing. Cisco recommends that you instead use the updated 8.2 firmware load, which is now available on This recommendation is limited to this specific firmware release and has no bearing on any other software or firmware available on Cisco Unified Call Manager CDs.

The 8.2 installation programs for the 7940G and 7960G are listed below.

Cisco IP Phone Model 7940G/7960G Installation Instructions

Perform the following procedure:

  1. Click the following URL:
  2. Download the file that is listed in Table 1 to your hard drive.

Table 1: Cisco IP Phone Models 7940G/7960G Firmware Loads

Cisco IP Phone Model

Call Manager Version

Executable on Software Page

MD5 hash

7940G and 7960G

5.0 and later




When using Cisco Unified Call Manager Release 5.0 or later

For Cisco Unified Call Manager 5.0, you must do all software installations and upgrades by using the Software Upgrades menu options. The system can upload and process only software that Cisco Systems approved. You cannot install or use third-party or Windows-based software applications that you may have been using with a previous version of Cisco Unified Call Manager with Cisco Unified Call Manager 5.0.

  1. Using your web browser, login to the Cisco IPT Platform Administration web page
  2. Under the Software Upgrades menu, select Install/Upgrade.
  3. Fill in the appropriate values in the Software Location section for the file you downloaded above, and click Next.
  4. In the Available Software drop-down box, select the file you downloaded above, and click Next.
  5. After validating the MD5 has the correct value, click Next.
  6. In the Warning box, verify you have selected the correct firmware, then click Install.
  7. Check that you received a Success message.


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